3Dviewer works with the power of augmented reality to create a live 3D preview of any of the current Mitsubishi Electric High Wall and Floor Console Heat Pump range, right in your own home! 3Dviewer uses your smartphone’s camera, accelerometer, and compass to create the 3D heat pump - giving you the perfect tool to plan the placement, type, and colour of your future heat pump.
Please note: 3Dviewer is for demonstrative purposes only and due to the nature of augmented reality, may not represent the exact scale. It is imperative to select the right capacity heat pump based the dimensions of the room for optimum performance, so before purchasing a heat pump seek the advice from a Mitsubishi Electric Authorised dealer. To see which heat pump is best suited to your home and to book a free consultation please visit: www.mitsubishi-electric.co.nz/3Dselect or set up one with your nearest retailer.